Save Time and Money with this 2 Week Menu and Shopping List!
The printable shopping list is a guide to the 2 week dinner menu that will start on Monday. It was created to help give you a plan for the coming weeks and give you a bit more time. The meals are easy to prepare and will save you time and money.
It will open in a new tab and can be printed from there.
Please make this menu your own. Substitute anything that your family will eat. These are just a few suggestions:
Shopping Tips:
- Take social distancing into consideration.
- Wear a mask to the grocery store and gloves if you have them.
- Touch only the items you are buying, and place them directly into your cart.
- Be patient while grocery shopping.
- Be prepared to substitute items that the grocery store is out of. My grocery store didn’t have potatoes, but I was able to go to a smaller store and pick up some red potatoes.
- Follow all grocery store recommendations at the register when checking out. My store has markers on the floor to keep people in line 6 feet apart, and we must wait to pay until after the bagger has finished loading groceries into the cart and steps away. These protocols are put into place to protect all of the workers and us shoppers also.
Please stay safe and healthy during this difficult time in our world. It would be an honor for me and my family to be included in your prayers.
This quarantine is new to us all.
It is our hope that this 2 week menu will help you by giving you a plan for dinner. We also really appreciate you joining us on this crazy journey called life! Our goal is to help others (and ourselves) creatively design lives that save time, money, and sanity through organization and planning. Please share our articles with friends.
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