Measure Twice, Cut Once, or Just TAPA
Recently I spent some time volunteering with a dear friend. We were able to catch each other up on our lives and soon started talking about how people approach tasks and projects differently. Some people look to the finish line and just jump in, figuring it out as they go along. My husband is like this to an extent, and he believes me to be an “over-thinker.”
I can appreciate his willingness to cannonball into a project, but I am not wired that way.
I test the waters before I do anything.
The best way to describe my process when it comes to taking any action is by using the acronym TAPA.
- Think
- Anticipate
- Plan
- Act
When faced with a project, I Think about what I want to see as the result of my efforts, the finished product. I then Anticipate any issues that could arise and how to best avoid pitfalls. I then Plan out the steps to see the project through, including the list of materials needed, time frame for each step, and implementing ways to avoid setbacks. Finally, I Act and work to complete the task.
To some, this seems like a lot of extra work, but I firmly believe that these steps help save time and money in the long run. The expression, “Measure twice, cut once,” has become a mantra for me.
Taking the time to Think about what we want to accomplish, Anticipate how to avoid bumps along the way, Plan out our path, and Act to see it through is the best way I know how to be productive while saving time, money, and sanity. Knowing we have all of the materials on hand to complete a job saves time. There is nothing worse than being in the middle of something and realizing having to run out to a store to get a forgotten item. Planning ahead saves money by minimizing waste due to mistakes or purchasing the wrong materials. Seeing a clearly defined path from start to finish helps projects progress smoothly and efficiently, saving sanity.
Give TAPA a try and let us know how it works for you!
Looking for some more motivation, check out our Motivation Articles.
Looking for some ideas for projects, see what we have been doing with our DIY Articles, or our Pinterest DIY Board and Things to Try Board.
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